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Ed Troxell The Tech Expert of Solopreneurs

The Tech Guy Who Makes Tech Stupid Easy®️ For Solopreneurs

​​​​Hi, I'm Ed Troxell, the guy who makes tech Stupid Easy®️!


I specialize in helping overwhelmed solopreneurs organize their digital tools, streamline their processes, and make technology work for them.


Whether you're a coach, consultant, or small business owner, I’m here to turn tech headaches into tech wins and get you a tech stack that makes you money, so you can focus on growing your business with confidence.


Sound good? Let’s chat today!


Support You
Can Count On

Organize Your Tech Stack for Simplicity

Seamless Systems Integration

Optimize Operations for Efficiency

Personalized Tech Training & Support


Explore the success stories of entrepreneurs who have transformed their businesses online with our tech coaching and mentorship.

Real Results,

Real Clients

(Swipe through client video testimonials)

Get The Right Tools

Unlocking Efficiency & Implementing The Right Tech: Tommy, a traditional small business owner, was overwhelmed by the volume of paperwork necessary to manage client details, supply lists, and general business operations. With his business expanding, the need to modernize and streamline these processes became critical. Approach: We introduced Tommy to a project management tool, to revolutionize his method of organization. Over the course of just two sessions, we guided him through the setup of implementing this new tech tool tailored to different aspects of his business. This allowed for efficient tracking of projects, clients, and supplies, all accessible with a simple tap on his phone or a click on his computer. Result: Tommy quickly embraced the new project management tool, finding immense value in its convenience and simplicity. He described the tool as a game-changer for his business operations, appreciating how it allowed him to adapt rapidly and with ease. The mobility and accessibility provided by the tool’s web-based platform enabled him to manage his business remotely, ensuring he could oversee operations seamlessly from the office to any on-location. This shift not only saved him time and reduced his stress but also significantly enhanced his operational efficiency saving him from unnecessary expenses. Approach: We introduced Lauren to video marketing and developed a unique social media strategy that emphasized engaging, cheerful video content that reflected her personality and professional ethos. Result: Within the first week of implementing her new social media strategy, Lauren received widespread positive feedback for her distinctive approach (even from those within her industry). Within 6 months, Lauren’s business volume tripled, evidenced by a significant increase in client inquiries and closing rates, and her success enabled her to expand her team, adding necessary roles to support and sustain the increased business demand.

Elevate The Brand

Elevating Brand Recognition Online in a Competitive Market: Lauren faced the daunting task of establishing and growing brand recognition in a competitive market online. Her goal was to attract her ideal clients and foster connections with local Realtors beyond her usual network. Approach: We introduced Lauren to video marketing and developed a unique social media strategy that emphasized engaging, cheerful video content that reflected her personality and professional ethos. Result: Within the first week of implementing her new social media strategy, Lauren received widespread positive feedback for her distinctive approach (even from those within her industry). Within 6 months, Lauren’s business volume tripled, evidenced by a significant increase in client inquiries and closing rates, and her success enabled her to expand her team, adding necessary roles to support and sustain the increased business demand.

Have a Simple Plan

Boosting Local and Virtual Market Presence: Anna faced the dual challenge of strengthening her local community engagement while also establishing a stronger online presence. Anna needed strategies to become more visible and recognized within her local market. She had opportunities to improve her online marketing efforts to effectively reach and resonate with potential clients. Approach: We developed a comprehensive marketing plan tailored to her unique needs: Local Community Engagement: We implemented strategies to increase Anna’s visibility in her local community, including participation in local events, collaborations with other local businesses, and targeted local advertising. Online Marketing Strategy: We guided Anna through the process of refining her online presence, which included optimizing her social media platforms, content creation, and lead generation for greater engagement and conversion. Result: The strategic marketing initiatives we introduced had a significant impact on Anna’s business: Increased Bookings and Sales: By enhancing her presence both locally and online, Anna saw a noticeable increase in bookings for her services and sales of her products. She also improved her onboarding and nurturing process for clients. Greater Community Engagement: Anna’s involvement in community activities and her improved local marketing efforts led her to become a well-recognized figure in her local area. Enhanced Online Interaction: The revamped online strategies and compelling content significantly boosted her online engagement, helping her reach a wider audience and effectively educate potential clients about her offerings in addition to leveraging the power of video.


The Ultimate Tech Stack Checklist for Solopreneurs

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Let's connect and get you simple, easy, tech to grow your business today!

Based in Sonoma County, California. Serving entrepreneurs remotely across the US.

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